About the Journal

Ásstery Journal is a semi-annual open access journal edited by Educa ID Scientific, Peru. Dedicated to the scientific dissemination of original articles and review articles of a theoretical, experimental or computational nature in the field of Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics Teaching and Related Sciences. It is aimed at the academic and scientific community, educators, researchers and industry. The language can be Spanish, English or Portuguese. The journal seeks that from the publication of the articles the development of science and research in Peruvian society and in the world be promoted.


Disseminate scientific production in the area of Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Teaching Physics and Related Sciences, allowing authors to disseminate their work and thus support the strengthening of basic and applied research at a global level.


To guarantee the editorial level, all the articles are previously evaluated by the editorial team before being sent to the specialist referees.

Articles may be rejected without arbitration after this initial evaluation by the editors if they do not comply with the formats and requirements established by the journal.

This journal operates a single blind peer review policy.